Thursday, April 16, 2009

weekend getaway to budapest...

i am SUPER excited for this weekend!! one of my roommates cory and i will be leaving tomorrow morning for a weekend trip to budapest! she is such a fabulous travel buddy and i know we are going to have an outrageous time. supposedly their food is just as yummy as italy so we cant wait to try their traditional dishes like goulash. we heard the greatest reviews from a hostel called 'the buda bubble" and were lucky enough to get a reservation. usually people book months in advance to get a spot. we were also told that things are relatively cheap in budapest but the currency conversion is bound to confuse us. i didnt realize that they are on the forint system and not the euro where 1 euro equals about 293 forint! i had a similar experience with this type of conversion when i was on my europe trip after high school. i forgot where we were, but at the ATM we each took out what seemed like an insane amount of money when in actuality it was only 50 dollars. 

while i am very excited to see a new city, everything in florence has been so fabulous that i am a bit sad to leave. the girls and i have been laying out on the local bridges in between classes to get some color. the weather has been absolutely wonderful! we are always finding new and exciting aspects to the city. florence continues to amaze me. it is impossible to go a day without seeing something that reaffirms just how lucky i am to be here. 

im sorry the pictures have not been posted yet. internet connections are still slow and i will make sure and post the link as soon as i can! i hope everyone has had a fantastic week. thank you for keeping up with my adventures!!


1 comment:

aimee said...

have a wonderful time in budapest! daddy and i have never been there so we are so anxious to hear all your stories. stay safe and drink in all that europe has to offer! before you know it, you'll be home~ i lovelovelove you!