Saturday, January 24, 2009

almost there...

well my trip has officially started! i am currently at the airport in arizona waiting for my flight to denver. from there, i will take a flight to frankfurt and connect to one more flight to florence.

it was so hard saying goodbye to mom and dad. i was crying on my way through security and the guards were so nice. they kept offering me tissues as they checked my bags. i know that this entire experience is going to be nothing short of amazing but for now, i am still incredibly nervous. 

mom and dad--thank you again. i love you both more than i could ever explain. i am so lucky to have you both. make sure and give all the animals big kisses for me.

hopefully, ill be able to update several times today throughout my travels. so, stay tuned!!



Connect With Julianna said...

Hi Aman,
I am so excited to follow your journey! I am thinking of you every step of the way!! Keep ya,

sof and em said...

ahhh I'm sooo excited for you tooo! you're gonnna have soooo much fun!! wish i could be there with ya!!


Connect With Julianna said...

Okay Aman...your mom said that you made is safely!!! I'm sure you are busy getting settled, but don't forget to blog about your apt. and your surroundings!

Love ya,

Brotha' Fred! said...

bottles of wine will be consumed...glasses are for bitches. you can quote me!