Wednesday, February 25, 2009

under the tuscan sun...

i can't believe it's already wednesday! time is starting to fly by. the title of this entry felt appropriate becuase i watched the movie 'under the tuscan sun' for the first time last night. i feel so lucky to be living in such a beautiful country. that movie shows the most incredible country side views along with scenes from florence right at the beginning. it is still a bit surreal that i am living here.

this week has been very productive and exciting. i am in the final stages of planning my spring break (which is only a month away) and also getting ready to see mom and dad. i am meeting up with them in rome for a day this weekend. from rome, they are coming to visit me in florence for a few days before continuing on throughout italy. i can't wait to show them around!

i had my first test this week in italian and i was super excited to find out that i got a 94%! this is a COMPLETELY different experience than i had with my first semester of italian at SMU. it makes sense though--learning italian in italy is much easier than learning italian in dallas...right? I have a quiz on monday in my history of christianity class which shouldn't be too hard. that is my favorite class thus far. as for the rest of my classes, everything is going really well. 

i have updated all of my pictures from venice and the soccer game. i will post the link below!

i will update my blog again as soon as i get back from rome!



1 comment:

Connect With Julianna said...

Hi Aman! I have been walking Harley and talked to your grandma...sounds like you all are having a ball!! She said your Iatlian is great and are getting around by yourself very well!!! Go Girl...give your mom and dad a kiss for me!!