Sunday, March 15, 2009

milan and midterms...

i just got back from milan and spent the last few days with mom and dad. i honestly did not expect to love milan as much as i did! it is such a fabulous city with absolutely ridiculous shopping! wow--if i lived there i would be in so much debt!! the quick 2 day trip started on thursday night when i met mom and dad at this great little restaurant with the best risotto i've had so far in italy. of course, mom and dad had already become best friends with the restaurant owner so he showered us with grappa and lemonchello. i've learned it doesn't hurt to get to know people in the restaurant business over here--they love giving free food and drinks to costumers they like. saturday started out with mom and i shopping all around the city. the clothes are like artwork over there. everything is so beautiful and i couldn't imagine actually wearing any of it. the entire trip mom and i kept saying that sofie and emma (my fabulous fashionista friends) would look incredible in EVERYTHING! mom read that above all of the designer stores like prada, louis vuitton and chanel there are apartments for the designers to come and stay--not a bad way to live, right? i found the most incredible prada bag and i couldn't bring myself to buy it. but they also have a great prada store here so i will have to bring all the roommates to get their opinion before i make my decision! i was super excited to find a really funky pair of reading glasses in this little eye glass store. i try to follow after mom and go for the totally unique glasses and milan definitely had them. after shopping, we went on a little tour of the city and to see da vinci's 'the last supper'. when i think about why i wanted to study abroad in italy--being able to see that painting was, without a doubt, one of the most prominent reasons. i am just so captivated by, not only its beauty, but also the controversy that surrounds it. the church where it is located only allows 10 groups of 25 people to see it every day. the process of even being able to get into the room is like trying to get into fort knox. you must past several automatic doorways that do not allow you in until the sensors can tell that everyone is within a certain parameter of the doors. when we were finally into the room, i was at a loss for words. it truly is just so magnificent. later that night, we went back to our favorite restaurant for dinner. the next morning, mom and dad had to leave early to catch their plane so i spent a couple hours walking around the city before catching my train back to florence.

as for now, i am studying for midterms! i had kind of forgotten that i was here for school! but it will all be worth it after this week because i leave for spring break on friday morning. i am going to amsterdam with one of my roommates (the rest are going to london), then we all meet in paris and continue on together to bordeaux and nice. it was probably the most stressful spring break i've ever planned but i know it will all be worth it! i went to amsterdam with mom, dad and bubba back when i was younger and to paris a few times (i feel so lucky to be able to say that!) but each experience is different and i can't wait to see all those places again. i am not the same person i was when i visited those locations last time, so i bet i will have a whole new outlook this time around. i won't have room to bring my computer but i will try and update yall throughout the trip.

mom and dad--thank you so much again for everything! you have no idea how much it means to me to share this experience with you! please please please give all the babies kisses for me. make sure that taco tummy has plenty of food, harley has lots of snuggle time and mr. max has his pillow just right.

s0f--you MUST go to milan. that city was made for you. mom and i kept saying that everything was "soooooo df!!"

julianna-thank you for taking care of mr. harls while mom and dad were gone. he was such a lucky boy to have you walking him!

hope everyone is doing well and has a great week!!



Connect With Julianna said...

I am so thrilled for your adventures! You will forever be a wonderful way! Have a ball on spring break!!


sof and em said...

ahh i bet it was amazing!!! yesss maybe i can come visit and we can go shopping'd be sooo DF!!! hahha Have an amazing timee on spring breakk!!!!!

aimee said...

poddle, daddy and i lovedlovedloved being with you! milan was all the better because you were with me to oooo and aahhh over all the beautiful things. i will never forget your face when you saw the duomo for the first time! and the last supper ..... so breathtaking~ how blessed i am to have you as my very own poodle! study hard and play lots on spring break. i love you. mom