Thursday, February 19, 2009

fabulous week with bubba...

wow i can't believe my first visitor is already leaving! 

this past week with bubba was such a whirlwind experience. between the constant eating and excessive drinking, it's safe to say that we made the most of our week together in florence. each day would start around 11--i knew this was also his chance to catch up on sleep so i didn't want to drag him out of bed at 9am every day. we would usually wander around the city and find somewhere fun for lunch. after that we would look for places to shop for him and then he would go back to his hotel and take a nap while i went to class. during his stay, we found an 'ettro' store. this is one of our all time favorite designers and we thought the company was based out of england but in actuality--it's italian! the prices were not much different than in the states but the selection was much larger. i love shopping for men's clothes and since everything looks good on him, he's a fun boy to shop with! on his last day (today) we went to visit the 'david' statue and i took him to piazza michelangelo (thats where you get the most amazing view of the city). i had waiting to see david until bubba was in town so i was ecstatic to finally see him! that statue really is the most perfect form of a man--it's breathtaking. and as for piazza michelangelo, it was fun to experience that with someone besides my roommates. i love them, but i loved seeing bubba's initial reaction to the view from the top. it truly is marvelous.

we went out to eat every single night and WOW!! the food was insane! i thought i understood good italian food before he got here but now i really know why people gain so much weight while they are here! probably the most incredible restaurant was called 'aqua al due'. i had heard from several people that this place was the best in the city. we started with the pasta and salad sampler, followed by their signature dishes--the blueberry steak and balsamic steak. i opted to go with the blueberry while bubba decided on the balsamic. every single bite was, without a doubt, the most incredible steak i had ever had. if you ever have a chance to come to florence--this restaurant is a MUST! of course, we finished the meal with the dessert sampler which consisted of tiramisu, chocolate cake, cheesecake and a whipped cream pie. i was glad i wore a dress that night because there is no way i could have fit into a pair of my pants by the end of dinner.

it was so sad to say goodbye to him tonight. he really is one of the most important people in my life and i feel so lucky to be able to share this trip with him. luckily, i leave tomorrow for venice so i can distract my upset feelings with the excitement of this trip! two of my roommates and i chose to go to venice because it is the last weekend of carnival! it is a huge celebration throughout the city to celebrate the week before lent. everyone wears masks and drinks and eats all day--it sounds pretty perfect to me! our train leaves early tomorrow morning and we get back in time to go to a florence soccer game on sunday. it is going to be a very fun weekend! i will update pictures and my blog as soon as the weekend is over.

i hope everyone had a wonderful week!



Connect With Julianna said...

You are going to have so much FUN in Venice!! A perfect distraction from your Bubba Blues!! Have a ball and don't forget to try the GRAPPA!!! YUMMY

Fritz said...

Hi Amanda: Nana and I just read your last two entries-We're so pleased that you and Christo have had such a GOOD time together. We're sure that the week went by too fast for both of you, but your week end sounds very exciting in Venice. We'll be anxious to hear about that trip. Your Spring Break sounds like great fun. We're proud that you have made all of the arrangements. Your Mom and Dad are looking forward to meeting you in Rome. We're certain that the Pope will greet you all warmly.. Nana says to tell the Pope hello!! Bye for now ,we love you and think of you often. Nana and G-DAD

aimee said...

thank you for all the organizing you did while bubba was there. i know he appreciated it and had a great time. i can't wait to see more pictures of his trip and yours to venice when you get back. it's only 6 more sleeps and we'll be with you in rome!!! i love you. mom