Friday, February 13, 2009

so excited for tomorrow...

after a totally exhausting week, i am THRILLED to have bubba arrive in florence tomorrow!

i meant to update my blog earlier this week but since monday morning i have been on turbo speed trying to get everything done! i booked spring break, which was a big weight off my shoulders. i am going with one of my roommates to amsterdam, paris, bordeaux and nice. all seven of us will be meeting in paris and continuing the rest of the trip together. i have been to both amsterdam and paris before but it's always fun to share those experiences with new people. in addition to booking spring break, i bought train tickets to milan and rome to meet up with mom and dad when they come on their trip to see me. at the last second, two of my roommates and i decided to go to carnivale next weekend in venice. that is going to be SO much fun! the last trip will be to the amalpfi coast, capri and pompeii. all seven of my roommates will be going on that as well. i feel so lucky to be able to jet set around europe! the planning has been unbelievably stressful which is why i wanted to get it done as soon as possible. 

yesterday my roommate mairin and i went to visit one of the most beautiful places in florence--the boboli gardens! i had no idea what the place was all about so when i saw the breathtaking views and picturesque gardens, i was completely overwhelmed. honestly, it didn't feel real! the entire experience felt like i was in a movie! we saw kittens all over the gardens! seriously, these cats live the ultimate life. imagine wandering around the boboli gardens all day! they were beautiful and really healthy! i tried to post the pictures from our day but only one would load. the rest can be found on this facebook link: 

as for next week..i am planning to take bubba all around florence! hopefully we will have a chance to go to greve in chianti and do a little wine tasting. 

i wish i could spend my favorite holiday with all of you but i hope yall have a fabulous valentines day no matter where you are! 

mom and dad-i love and miss you very much! i cant wait to see you oh so soon!
marmar-SHHHWWEEEEBOP! i miss you so so so much! happy valentines day lovebug.
molly-when are you coming to see me?!?! 
nana and gdad-lets try to skype soon! i miss you!


aimee said...

oh wow! the garden looks so beautiful~ i will have to bring snacks for the kitties when we go! have so much fun with bubba. i am so jealous that you and bubs will be together! raise a glass to best friends tomorrow night and have a wonderful week with him. i love you and can't wait to see you very soon! happy valentine's day .... xoxo

Connect With Julianna said...

AMANDA!!!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!! I have been thinking of you on your favorite day! Have a ton of fun with Bubba and have a taste of grapa for me!! Lots of hugs and kisses xoxoxoxox